Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Express Yourself over a Cup of Coffee

Coffee shop means different things in different countries and different places. Few coffee shops mean an informal coffee shop offering tea, coffee and variety of snacks. However there are few coffeehouse chains across the worlds that are popular and well-known by patrons for serving exclusive exquisite coffee from across the world.

Every other person begins their day with a sip of coffee and tea at home or office. But spending an evening in a delightful, relaxing cafe with squishy sofas and comfortable atmosphere with a close friend over a cup of flavored coffee means energy, refreshment and is sure to unwind you.
Like every other country, coffee is the drink of choice for many in India and this love for coffee made many renowned coffeehouse chains open outlets in India and have brought different flavors and combination. From chocolate mocha to a double chocolate chip iced coffee or Espresso Italiano to Caffe Americano and Cappuccino, everything is available in every popular coffee shop.

Coffee shop is not only a trend but also demand of time. All major coffee shops provide internet access so that students and professionals can use their laptops while enjoying their coffee. Many official meetings are also held in such coffee shops where internet is a must. Even students can be seen working on projects and study materials sitting in a coffee shop and enjoying their favorite coffee or tea. The demand and love for coffee has made coffeehouse a continuous trend across the globe. You would find coffee shops every third step in America and even big coffee chains would prefer to have pop up outlets in gas stations and airports to serve coffee to travelers. Coffee shops also help in the economy by creating job opportunities.

Jatin Sharma is an expert who writes on swiss hot chocolate for so many years. For more information about swiss mint chocolate and Chicken Salad please visit – www.barista.co.in

Friday, February 18, 2011

Making Every Sip Enjoyable

There are many things that you will notice the moment you walk into any of popular coffee story shops across the world. Firstly, the wide variety of coffee drinks which are authentic in taste and style served with variety of snacks. Next the coffee machine which can be called the Ferrari in the world of coffee machines. Finally, the well trained baristas who are ready to help you with your favorite coffee made in the special way you like it. This combination helps us to give a unique, authentic and pleasurable experience while making every sip enjoyable.

There are few things in life that should be never rushed and coffee is really one of them. This is the main reason why the coffee beans are roasted slowly. This brings out the coffee flavor in full with strong aroma. This is how coffee was made traditionally and all renowned coffee shops today assure the same authenticity.

Know your Mocha

The range of enjoyable sips that we offer and their makings

Caffe Latte - Prepared with steamed milk however, little lighter when compared to a cappuccino served in a special Caffe Latte Mug.

Crème Caramel Latte- Prepared with steamed milk, vanilla flavored syrup and caramel syrup.

Caffe Twist - Crunched cookies topped up on a creamy cold coffee. 

Iced Coffee - Delightful cold coffee iced to perfection

However, all major coffeehouse chain will customize your coffee at no extra cost. Tell them your preference and they will prepare your coffee with any of the following options:

           Decaffeinated coffee
           Soya milk
           Skimmed milk

Apart from those mentioned above, you can also ask for multiple coffee syrups caramel, vanilla, and hazelnut for more enjoyable sip. This is not all, coffee shops also have multiple frills which include chocolate coffee varieties, hot tea infusions and frost teas. In addition, you can also find snacks which will make your coffee all the more fun and enjoyable.

For more information about Caffe Americano and coffee and tea please visit – www.barista.co.in

Monday, January 17, 2011

Relax Mediterranean style with perfect cappuccino

Coffee, and the all famous cappuccino coffee came firstly from India, the coffee bean arriving in Venice in 1600, coffee houses opening in Italy on the mid 17th century. The Espresso coffee followed in 1800 in France, and to date you can find as many types of coffee as tea, be it short and black, white with sugar, or even an iced cappuccino.

If you want to find yourself a genuine cappuccino coffee in India, you need look no further than Barista. The company prides itself on clean and modern facilities, bringing you the perfect coffee house in which you can enjoy a cappuccino. Sit back and relax, smell the aroma, and dream that you are in Venice or Rome. That unmistakable smell of the coffee bean hits us on entering the coffee house, enticing us and tickling our taste buds.

Long gone are the days where the cappuccino was only for the Italian, although the Italian nation can pride them on the invention of the coffee house, they can also pride themselves on the coffee house becoming a worldwide phenomenon. A perfect place to meet in the morning, or relax with the local newspaper in your break, perhaps even a first time meeting with a client, or a personal friend.
What you can rely on is that Barista will give you a warm European style welcome, and the chance to sit back and relax and taste some of the finest coffees ever in India. 

Barista Lavazza is distinguished as the establishment of Indian café culture. This chain of espresso bars delivers a truly Italian coffee experience in friendly, welcoming and comfortable environment.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The best coffee store in India is Barista Lavazza

Barista Lavazza is distinguished as the establishment of Indian café culture. This chain of espresso bars delivers a truly Italian coffee experience in friendly, welcoming and comfortable environment.

It has been the fastest brand name, to make it to the list of super brands and is categorized, in the midst of, the top 50 phenomenon that changed India.

Cappuccino coffee or Iced Cappuccino  has turn out to be an exceptionally admired drink in India over the previous years. And, in more recent times it has turned out to be regular for coffee shops, to put forward iced adaptation of their most admired coffee drinks. The iced latte and iced mocha are the two most familiar exemplars of this.

A more chic adaptation of this is, all the rage, offered by the espresso bar chain, Barista.
They also serve frappes, which is a special range of lemon iced tea. Baristas also prepare fruit smoothies, prepared with ice cream.

Most delecious Caffe Americano- Bartista Lavazza

Barista Lavazza is a series of espresso bars in India, headquartered in Delhi. It is presently owned by Lavazza, Italy’s prime coffee company. At present, it has espresso bars across India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the Middle East. Coffee here is delivered by the Indian roaster, Fresh and Honest, headquartered in Chennai, which is also owned by Lavazza. 

It has been the fastest brand name, to make it to the list of super brands and is categorized, in the midst of, the top 50 phenomenon that changed India.

It  is India's second largest planned cafe chain with 210 outlets Barista Lavazza’s revolutionary efforts at offering, a truly Italian coffee house experience has also acknowledged many awards, as well as, appreciations.

Caffe Americano or Caffe Twist has turn out to be an exceptionally admired drink in India over the previous years. And, in more recent times it has turned out to be regular for coffee shops, to put forward iced adaptation of their most admired coffee drinks. The iced latte and iced mocha are the two most familiar exemplars of this.